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Well, Break's Over
To tell you the truth, I've been putting off this post. I couldn't post pictures while I was at Calwood because it probably would have made them go over their megabyte limit. This means that I now have 200+ pictures that haven't been posted. (They're not ALL mine. Several of us put our pictures on each other's computers.) That means I need to post some the next time I update this thing. I hope you can see what a daunting task this seems to be. I meant to at least start this over our winter break, but I kept putting it off. So...I'll do my best.
Our first views of Calwood:
The sign marks the beginning of the 2.3 mile drive up the VERY steep dirt road. This is of course after the 20 minutes or so you've been driving up the mountains since leaving Boulder.
The split wood pile (I would have needed a panoramic camera to get the whole thing in one shot):
Michala, TK, Lindsey, and Heather:
Tomm and Rob:
I don't remember why, but Michala climbed on top of the slash piles we worked on for our first day:
Don't snow pants make for a flattering photo? (Hauling logs down the slippery icy muddy snowy hill):
The logs we hauled down the slippery icy muddy snowy hill:
The hydraulic wood splitter:
The view from (the aptly named) Longview, where Becky, Jess, Marquis, and I cut and bundled barbed wire (See the benches? Apparently weddings and other events happen here):

Foraging through the snowy Narnia-like woods to find barbed wire:
I don't think this is quite all the barbed wire we cut, but here are some of our bundles:
The church in Jamestown:
The Merc! (Jamestown Mercantile Cafe, the restaurant/bar/general store):
Angie cutting down the tree to build our bridge with:
It took several of us to move the tree trunks into place:

Angie again:

Why do I make such weird faces sometimes? Nobody knows.
The bridge group:
The bridge! (A few more boards should probably be added, but this was all we brought out there with us):

Well, I think that's a good start. This might take a few posts to get in as many pictures as I want to get in. Sorry for such a long delay!
Wow, Courtney, thank you! They are wonderful. I don't know about other weird faces, but I'm sure that one was because you got to use a POWER TOOL again--finally. I hope there will be many more in New Orleans. Just please be careful.