So needless to say, I volunteered to be a driver. There was a 2.5 hour driving safety class thing that everyone had to take even if they didn't have a driver's license. In 2.5 hours, I learned that the vans are top-heavy (therefore easy to roll), they take longer to stop, and you need to make wider turns. Then there was a multiple-choice test with questions like "If you are driving in the rain, what should you do?"
A. Drive faster
B. Slow down and keep a longer following distance
C. Turn the radio up
D. Stop watching where you're going
Then it was time to drive. I was randomly chosen to go first. It's not nearly as scary as I though it would be. I mostly just drove around residential areas around campus. The instructor said I did really well. Other people had to drive on the highway, or in the downtown area, or in the mountains, so I guess I got off easy.
Frustration of the day: As I was getting ready to leave my room this morning and loading up my giant BDU cargo pockets with necessary things like my room key, phone, license, Burt's Bees, and pen, I thought to myself, "Hmm. Should I bring my camera? No, we're just driving around all day. Nothing exciting about that." EPIC FAIL. We drove up into the mountains to Red Rocks to eat the lunches we had packed. Don't know what Red Rocks is? It's this amazing amphitheater set between two giant red rocks. Sitting in the audience and looking past the stage, you can see miles and miles. Here's what Google Images provides:
In case you were wondering, the new $6 pillow I got from Family Dollar yesterday is MUCH better than the bottom-of-the-pile one that I had borrowed.
Up for tomorrow morning: Physicals and drug testing! Woo! And also, I won't have to be anywhere until 9:50, instead of 7:50 like it was the last two days. Then after that exciting morning, we have Unit Time. Which is, you know, time with our unit. Yay for physicals and bonding!
Re: Driving test- you answered stop watching where you're going, right?
ReplyDeleteRule #457: ALWAYS take your camera.
Awesome google pics!
Oh. I assumed the answer was turn the radio up. Good thing I'm not the driver!
ReplyDeleteWow! I would have said drive faster to dodge the raindrops!