...Ok, not really, but I'm pretty tired of this room. I am now 99% sure that it wasn't actually swine flu. I feel much better than I did on Thursday and Friday. I'm still coughing and sneezing a little, but it really seems like a cold. Most likely, I'll feel pretty close to perfect tomorrow and will be let out.
In other news, tomorrow on the schedule for the sun unit are our baseline tests (how fast you can run a mile and a half, how many push-ups you can do in a minute, and how many sit-ups you can do in a minute). There are no minimums for this, it's just to measure our own progress. I think we repeat the test every time we come back to Denver between projects. Since we will have physical training three times a week, AmeriCorps wants us to know if our fitness level is improving. So if I do get out tomorrow and have to do my baseline after sitting and doing nothing for three days, my improvement will be AMAZING when I have to do the test again later.
On the plus side, I have had plenty of time to catch up on every TV show I have ever watched...when the internet works. The internet was totally fine on Friday, but it went out Saturday morning. I called my dad (who has forty-seven hundred Microsoft certifications and always helps me with computer problems), but there was nothing we could do. My other quarantined friend's internet was out also. Luckily, it was only out for a couple hours, but it's been spotty since then.
Guess I might as well end with pictures.

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